Friday, 12 August 2011

New Videos Are On The YouTube Channel

Hay Guys just to let you all know we have 3 new videos on the channel we will post them here to save you the trouble!

                                           The Shoulder Blaster Workout!

How Not To Nuke Your Eggs

The Leg Blaster Workout 

Enjoy The Vids and remember Rate, Comment and Subscribe and stay tuned for more!!

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Stay Tuned!!

Unfortunately one of our videos from the channel has been removed due to an licensing error this will be back up asap so you wont miss out on this great workout "The Ultimate Chest Pump"

Click here to view our channel and remember subscribe so as soon as it has been uploaded you can hit the gym and leave with a burn

The Gym Grind

Latest Video "Whats In My Gym Bag"

Hay Readers
Check out our lastest video "Whats In My Gym Bag" --->CLICK HERE TO WATCH<----

Just a round up of what Marc would pack if he was going to have a workout other than at the gym eg Park,Office!!

The Gym Grind Guys!!

New Vids Up on The Channel!!

Hay Gym Rats
We now have vids on up the channel      ----->CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT<----

Heres our intro to you guys --->CLICK HERE TO WATCH<----

If your too tired from training and you cant even leave the page ill post it below

Just a little welcome from The Gym Grind

Friday, 1 July 2011

Park Gyms! Free Fat-Burning and Lean Muscle Growth

I was at a park in North London playing basketball when i noticed a new addition a "Park Gym"
I haven't had the chance to use one of these before and shows local councils are putting money where its needed (some times) :)
This has given the local community a chance to have a go at getting fit in their own space! OK a park is more public than any gym but there is no monthly membership and your stereotypical gym users!!

The equipment was adequate all machines acting on body weight so if it was a quick pump or a full on workout these facilities have something for you!!
Here are some pictures of the equipment after i will talk about what type of workouts you can use with these to help you get the body you want!!

A Little bit of a example of what you can do for a quick fat burning boost!!

Sit-Up Bench (you may want to use a couple of towels for padding)

Cross trainer (Very good warm up or main cardio workout)

Pull Down Machine (The seat actually lifts as you pull on the handles meaning you will be lifting your own body weight. They have been built with a very good pulley system to that even someone that hasn't had any exercise experience could incorporate some sets into their workout.

Squat Machine ( very different from what I've ever seen before as you extend your legs the seat rises taking your body weight into the legs but also has the seat to ensure you don't fall which also makes it as easy or hard as you like)

Oblique and Core Swing (very good oblique activation and core strengthening action)

Running Machine/ cardio Machine

As you can see there could be a lot of exercises that could be mixed in with this equipment here is an example work out i would give to clients for this sort of environment for a total body fat burning blits!!

Remember to have been checked by your GP before you under take any workout regime oh and HAND SANITIZER is a must remember this is in a public park!

Example Fat Burning Workout
Warm Up

5-10 Min's light cardio (jogging,cross trainer etc..)

Stretch (this is a must do not overlook your stretching)

Main Workout

10 reps x 1 set of Body weight Squats
10 reps x 2 sets of Park Squat Machine
10 reps x 2 sets Park Pull Down Machine
Push Ups no higher than 10 reps
10 reps x 2 sets of Sit ups w/ Bench or without
10 reps x 2 sets Oblique Swing
30 second plank

5min Cool Down
cross trainer, jogging, skipping etc... low intensity to bring down your heart rate

Stretch (this is a must do not overlook your stretching)

Then off home to eat some high quality protein

See You Soon Gym Rats

Marc @ TheGymGrind

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

To Eat Protein Or Not To Eat Protein That Is The Question?

To eat protein or not to eat protein that is the question  
As we all know protein is essential for building and repairing muscle, but did you know that having a higher protein diet can contribute to a decrease in body fat? Yes, its true. Eating more protein can help you lose weight and maintain lean muscle mass, this is because protein based foods require more metabolic processing than carbohydrates or fats. In fact metabolic rate has been seen to double when compared to eating carbohydrates or fat. For example, if you were to eat a high protein diet containing 3000 calories around 300 of those calories you just consumed will be burnt off just by eating, as 10% of calories consumed will be burnt just to process the protein based food. However, carbohydrates will not have the same effect as only 5% of calories will be used to process the carbohydrates consumed therefore only burning 150 calories within this hypothetical 3000 calorie diet.
Is a high protein diet dangerous? I hear you say and the answer is no as long as you are healthy with no underlying health problems e.g. kidney dysfunctions. A study by (Portmans and Dellalieux 2000) observed body builders consuming 1.3gs of protein per 2.8kg of body weight. Kidney function was not affected in fact; a study by (Sterck et 1992) showed that within female rats, kidney function was improved with a high protein diet. Furthermore, studies by Dr. Wayne W. Campbell from the University of Arkansas have consistently shown positive results for weightlifters who consume healthy lean meat when compared to vegetarian weightlifters. Campbell has shown that by consuming lean protein sources, the weightlifters were able to lose body fat (2.9 lbs) and gain (3.7 lbs) of lean muscle mass. Unfortunately the vegetarian subjects gained fat by (0.2 lbs) which is not much but who wants to gain fat? Also they ended up losing (2.4 lbs) of muscle. Now I don’t know about you but if I did not gain muscle and ended up losing that much lean muscle mass over a 12 week period I would be Pi.... off!! So there you have it - just a few reasons why you should eat protein. Hope this helps inform you guys and remember it’s all about The gym grind - all day every day!    
Shane @ The Gym Grind

Also Check Out Our New Park Gyms Post On Thursday "Park Gym Free FatBurning"

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Rise & Grind

Morning Gym Rats!!
Take a seat @ TheGymGrind CoffeeHouse and get the kick start you need for the day